スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院



■Please send us a quotation [quote] for the items below.
We would appreciate it if you could provide a quotation for [数字] units of [商品名].

quotation for [on]: …に対する見積もり
■Could you give us a quotation on C&F [輸入港] basis for the items listed below?
■Please let us have a quotation ...

*文構造: a quotation (on ... basis) for the items
*「本船渡しの見積もり」は an FOB quotation,「運賃保険料込みの見積もり」は a CIF quotation という。
■Please quote us a price for [商品名].
quote: 見積もる、値段を知らせる; 名詞としても用いられる。
quote you/us a price for [on] ..., quote you/us for [on] ..., quote a price for [on] ...
■Please quote us the best prices CIF [輸入港] for [商品名].
■We wish you to quote on [商品名] the best possible C&F [輸入港] prices in U.S. dollars.

best price: 最善の価格、最低価格
*後者の文構造: quote (on ...) the best ... prices; quote the best ... prices on ...の the best ... prices が on ...の後に移動している形。

■We look forward to receiving your quotation soon.
■Your prompt [immediate] attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
immediate: 即座の
*能動態で We would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.とすることも可能。


スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院
