スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院



■We would like to draw your attention to the fact that your account is past due.
■This is to remind you that your account for the month of [月名] has not been settled.

past due: 支払い期日を過ぎた
remind someone that SV: 人に…を思い出させる、気付かせる
settle: 勘定などを支払う、清算する
■We wish to call your attention to the enclosed copy of our invoice No.[数字] sent to you on [日付].
■We find from our records that your payment of $[金額] for our invoice No. [数字] is [数字] days overdue.
overdue: 期限切れの、未払いの
*「記録によると」は Our records show that ...もよく用いられる。
■In looking over our records, we find that this invoice is still outstanding as of [日付].
look over: …にざっと目を通す、調べる
outstanding: 未決済の、未払いの
as of: …現在で
Checking with our bank, our invoice of [日付] for \[金額] remains unpaid.
check with: 人に相談する、尋ねる
■This is to remind you that our invoice No. [数字] of [日付] for $[金額] is more than [数字] days overdue.
■The outstanding [unpaid] balance due to us as of [日付] is US$[金額].
outstanding [unpaid] balance: 残高、未払い額
due to: 人に支払われるべき
■We believe that you have overlooked the enclosed invoice for US$[金額].
overlook: …を見落とす

We would appreciate it if you could check your records and arrange for prompt payment.
We would be grateful if you could remit us \[金額] at your earliest convenience.
■We would appreciate your prompt remittance by telegraphic transfer to the following bank account.

remittance: remit(送金する)の名詞
telegraphic transfer: 電信送金[為替]
■We would like to request that you give this matter your immediate attention.

■If this reminder has crossed your payment, please accept our apologies and disregard this letter.
reminder: 思い出させるもの、催促状
cross: 手紙が…と行き違いになる
please accept our apologies: お許しください、お詫び申し上げます
disregard: …を無視する
■Please let us know if payment is being withheld for any special [particular] reason.
withhold: …を差し控える、保留する
particular: 取り立ててこれという


スパルタ英語・英会話 NCC綜合英語学院
